TLS 37 Leadership and Vision 8 - Components and Hinderances
6 May 2019 | LEADERSHIP | By Dr.Solomon Appiah | 3 mins read
Businessman plan graph growth and increase of chart positive indicators in his business,tablet in hand

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Welcome to another week of the Transformation Leadership Series. Hitherto we have looked at the place of vision within transformational leadership from a definitional and supernatural perspective. Today let us look at it from a corporate perspective.

Organizations have vision statements. These are statements that clearly define the organization’s “reason” for being. It is the organization’s guiding philosophy that is consistent with organizational value(s). A vision statement should answer the basic question, “What do we want to become?”. Vision has also been described as the big picture of what you want to achieve. Mission refers to how you will achieve the vision. Core Values which we have discussed in depth in previous installations refer to how you will behave during the process of fulfilling the vision. What goes into a winning vision statement?

Components Of A Vision Statement[1]

Core ideology

  • Core Values - timeless guiding principles
  • Core Purpose - reason for being

Envisioned future

  • Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG) - clearly articulated goals
  • Vivid description - a graphic description of what success and the future will be like

Recognition of service to stakeholders

  • Owners/creditors
  • Employees
  • Customers

Hinderances To Fulfilling Vision

Dr. Myles Munroe lists 3 obstacles to fulfilling vision in his book, The Principles and Power of  Vision.[2] These are:

  1. Not understanding the nature of vision
    1. Not Understanding the Nature of Vision
    2. Misunderstanding the Difference between Vision, Goals, and Mission
    3. Engaging in Wishful Thinking
    4. Living with Indecision
    5. Making Excuses
    6. Seeking “Balance”
    7. Trying to Do Everything
    8. Being Perplexed over Multiple Talents
  2. Not recognizing the cost of vision
    1. Blaming “Bad Luck”
    2. Blaming Outside Forces
  3. Not knowing the principles of vision

The above goes for both the initiator of the vision and the followers. Prior to this installment, we have discussed much about the nature of vision in different dimensions, its source and how it is sustained. This is because understanding the nature and principles of vision is critical to fulfilment of any vision. The second obstacle is also relevant because not everyone knows how to evaluate properly the cost of a vision. Sometimes vision is costed but inaccurately. However, if the aforementioned three are properly understood and evaluated, it makes the process to fulfilling a vision more fluid.


[1] Strategic Business Planning for Commercial Producer from Purdue University

[2] MUNROE, MYLES. “The Principles and Power of Vision: Keys to Achieving Personal and Corporate Destiny”.



Solomon Appiah, Ph. D., is Lead Teacher at the Sunesis Learning initiative, a multi-faceted organization which exists to disciple the world for Christ through inspired education and discipleship aimed at transfiguration and transformation—empowering peoples with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. He is affiliated with the International School of Ministry arm of Loveworld Inc. also known as Christ Embassy under the leadership of the Highly Esteemed Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. Dsc. DD.